Questions for discussion

1. Do you know any stories of teenagers who must deal with very difficult situations, like Anne did?

2. What do you know about Judaism? Do you know any other religions which experience persecution?

3. Describe a situation in which you or someone you know experienced prejudice.

4. How can imagination and sense of humour help someone when they are in trouble?

5. "In spite of everything, people are really good at heart." Do you agree with this statement?

6. Imagine what it would be like to live in the Secret Annexe. What would you do all day?

7. Can you think of any other examples of where propaganda sways/swayed the general public into believing something?

8. Anne says in her diary that the forming of a person's character is up to that person. Do you agree with that statement? Why or why not?

9. Do you think the International Declaration of Human Rights can prevent another Holocaust from happening?

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